Sunday, 7 April 2013

A Fantasy Story Chapter Three

Chapter Three

Awake On Stranger Shores

            Its dark now and I can’t see anything at all. The only thing I can do is feel around with my hands for clues to where I ended up. They feel around the cold wet surroundings although my body won’t move more than a few inches at a time. I know this feeling, I’ve felt it before several years ago when I was knocked out by another student for standing up for myself. The exhaustion of the fight combined with the darkness of my closed eyes.

“Yup, I’m definitely knocked out”

My first clue was water and lots of it. I was also on something hard and rough on one side, but smooth on the side I was laying on. Slowly I began to open my eyes and I saw the white marble floor I was laying on. It looked really pretty and calm under the overcast skies. My vision was slightly blurry but I could make out shapes of a building that was right beside me. They were in ruins and were slowly sinking into the rising sea.

My sore body was heavy to move around but I managed to roll myself to my back so I could get a better look at my surroundings. The runes looked like a castle to me the way they towered high above in stone bricks. The sea went right up to the castle’s walls but then continued into the horizon with nothing else in sight besides a few pieces of rubble scattered about. My aching head pounded as I forced myself to sit up and make an effort to live by moving to the hole in the castle wall. I didn’t really know what was in there for sure but I knew that it probably wasn’t raining in there like it was outside. Though I could only see a few things in the room, but there was one thing that made me perk up. It was the sword, just lying on the ground by a table.

“I must have dropped it when I…” I started to think back to how I got to this place now.

I could not come up with an answer for how I got here though. I knew I was at school this morning, and I saw something in the sky. Then after school I went to the bridge to look for something. And then… and then. There was a red coat who I helped out to get to somewhere for something.

“Ouch! I must have hit my head better than I thought” I said to myself.

“But now what do I do? I have no clue where I am or how I got here. This sucks”

Just then I remembered something from my former self. How I always wanted an adventure and one day you will have it.

“This must be that adventure! This must be my story!” I shouted with excitement and began to prance around the table with joy. One lap around the table and I came to the sword Icarus gave to me.

I never really had a chance to study the sword before but now I have all the time in the world. So I set the blade down on the table and admired the hell out of it. The craftsmanship to this sword was amazing for not only did it have engravings on the hilt depicting warriors battling monsters but the entire blade itself seem to have detailed pictures embossed onto it about hundreds of battles it has seen before. Every time I reflected the light off of it the pictures seem to move or change somehow showing more of one adventure or another dragon being struck down. I really could have stared at this amazing sword forever, however my focus was upon something else as my stomach grumbled with hunger.

It was up to me to scour this unknown castle in hopes of some sort of nutrition, perhaps a fully cooked turkey dinner with mashed potatoes and gravy, and stuffing. What? A guy can dream can’t he?

I equipped my sword to my back and began to search the whole castle, and I started with the room I was in. I have played many RPGS in my life and I know when it comes to dungeon crawling there is no treasure to small nor too big to pass up. Each drawer and cupboard is filled with hope as I carefully searched the entire room. But alas, despite my dedication, I found nothing but molding food. Disappointed but with high hopes I moved onto another place.

Just outside of the kitchen starting point I opened up a closet filled with all sorts of things. There I found many things such as blankets, towels, a bowl, two forks, some cups, half a shoe, and my very first treasure ever. In dead center on the middle shelf there I found a leather belt with all sorts of pouches on it.

“MINE!” I said as I snatched the item for myself and equipped it to my waist.

            Acting as the grown adult that I have become over the respectable long years back home, I started to dance around the corridor and even started to formulate a success stance for when I accomplish things such as finding treasures or winning fights. It started out as something Rocky Balboa would do after reaching the top of a stair case and I even practiced in the entrance to the next room I was going to enter in as well. It was fitting to practice victory posing to a study as pristine as the one I found. It was filled with many of books and fine leather furniture. The fine study that belonged to a lord or an earl for sure is where my second treasure in this castle. In a small lockbox on a fine wooden writing desk I found five gold coins.

“Awe Yes! Victory Pose” and I tried another one of my poses. I saw a chair so I stamped my right foot on it and trusted my fist in the air like an upper cut punch. And just as I reached the full extension of my pose the window blew open with a gale and started to blow my open jacket around in an epic manner. I felt pretty awesome there for a moment.

Then suddenly Van heard a narrator tell him about a clanging ruckus from down the corridor, passed the grand entrance behind the cracked open door that lead into the ball room. Van peered around the door frame to the study where he had heard the sound coming from. The darkness masked the distance, hiding what was truly there in a vale of shadows. However Van knew that here in this castle, he was not alone.
“Who said that?” I asked out loud but no one answered me. What is going on now?

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